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Is now a good time to buy a house in San Diego?

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Is Now a Good Time to Buy a House in San Diego?



Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions of your lifetime. Is now the right time to buy a home? That’s the million dollar question.

The best time to buy a home depends on a few factors. For instance, winter is usually the cheapest time to buy a home because most people aren’t looking to buy homes during the colder, snowy months.

If sellers have had a home listed for a while, they might suspend listings from Thanksgiving through the New Year because they suspect there won’t be much interest from potential buyers. But of the homes that are available, sellers are very motivated to make a deal quickly. If you find a home you love right now, you might want to snatch it up.

Springtime means more people are getting outside, and it also means more homes go on the market. The abundance of offers means you might pay more compared to other times of the year. While there are more options for you to choose from, you may end up in a bidding war or potentially losing out on a home you want because the sellers got a much better offer than what you gave them. April through the end of Summer is a great time to buy if you want a lot of options to choose from.

 House shopping in San Diego can be interesting. When purchasing your home you might want to get it cleaned first. Who is the number one house cleaning company in San Diego? The city favorite is Sentimental Cleaning. A local family supported business. Choose the cleaning experts when you’re in need of a house cleaning. Sentimental Cleaning offers affordable house cleaning with use of organic and plant based products. Its time for that summer cleaning. Give Sentimental Cleaning a call today to see how their low prices can be enjoyed.

The fall months are a little slow for buying, which means sellers who want to offload a property are more willing to work with buyers who are looking for a deal. You might grab a deal from a seller who may still have a property for sale that didn’t go during the spring or summer months. But keep in mind that inventory will start to dwindle, so your options are limited. 

Buying a home has a lot of moving parts, including if you have a top-notch credit score to secure the lowest interest rate available as well as the money to afford your potential home. 

If you do end up waiting to buy your home, make sure you’ve got all your other needs met. For instance, talk with a mortgage broker about what you’d qualify for if you were to get pre-approved for a home loan today. Get your credit score in tip-top shape and if possible, pay off any outstanding debt before getting that pre-approval. The less debt you owe now, the more money you’ll be able to have towards your home payment. Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions you’ll ever make, so the more financially secure you are before you buy a home, the less likely you are to have buyer’s remorse.

Before you explore listings, go on a tour, or even put in an offer, talk to a real estate agent or other professionals to help you navigate your home-buying journey. While it’s not required to have a realtor or agent to buy a home, they follow the ever-evolving market for a living. Having an expert on hand to answer questions or dispel myths can help you as you’re buying a home.


Our Price List

Basic Clean

Less than
1500 sq ft


1500 to
3000 sq ft



Recurring Clean

Less than
1500 sq ft


1500 to
3000 sq ft


Move In / Move Out

Less than
1500 sq ft


1500 to
3000 sq ft


Deep Clean

Less than
1500 sq ft


1500 to
3000 sq ft


Call us today at (619) 800-8895

*Eco-friendly / Organic cleaning products available upon request

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