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Cleaning tips for housekeeping

Top Cleaning Tips 

by Sentimental Cleaning

Doing something day after day, week after week, month after month for years – that’s what make someone an expert. Here are a few things you can do to practice until perfect:

  1. Mop out from a corner. Simple tip that helps 99% of the time. This way you don’t step on clean floors while mopping. Start at the farthest corner. Be cautious because floor can be slippery.
  2. Soak pots before you wash them. Once you clear the table, squirt the dirty dishes with soap. Let it work itself before you scrub. Most often times there is heavy food stuck so to eliminate the issue one should do a good soak first. You will save yourself time an energy.
  3. Clean top to bottom. This is universal advice. The idea is to start cleaning areas high in the room so it could fall to the ground then sweep it up. By the time you vacuum or sweep all the dust would be on the ground making it easier to do a thorough job.
  4. Don’t use a rag to clean windows or mirrors. You want your windows to be spotless. Using a cloth will leave lint behind. Use a microfiber cloth or paper towels.
  5. All purpose cleaner… isn’t sometimes all purpose. Do not use on glass. It will leave streaks. It can dull your granite counter tops. Save yourself from actually damaging what you are trying to clean.
  6. Change your mop water. Sometimes a good mop session is needed to get all those floors cleaned. It could get grimy, leaving more dirt behind than it is picking up.
  7. Pick up big things before you vacuum. It makes the job more effective and smooth. Such as put away the shoes and toys but even so larger items. It will also prevent your machine from getting clogged.
  8. Change your rags often. Use a clean rag on a clean bathroom. Dirty ones can leave behind residue and even dirty the area more than it is cleaning it.

Following these little tips can be a game changer for some. Remember to use a caddy to carry all your supplies. Whether it’s a bucket or tote bag. This way you wont waste time looking for things.

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*Eco-friendly / Organic cleaning products available upon request

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