Sentimental Cleaning

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What happens when business is slow by Sentimental House Cleaning

Need a house cleaning done? Give Sentimental House Cleaning a call today at 619 800 8895 if you are in need of a basic clean, deep clean, move in clean, construction clean, window clean or more. We are a full service company offering services to both residential and commercial companies. But what happens when the business isn’t there? This is the fun part of owning a business, a very challenging part of doing business. This is the time to prospect hard. This is the time to build your pipeline. This is the time to cold call, basically focusing all day on sales an acquisitions. I also add Facebook platform in my routing for sales an acquisitions. This is a great entity to prospect on. Probably or arguably the best platform to build relationships, nurture them and close deals. This is a pretty personal application to use. But a great approach! So when business gets slow don’t throw in the towel just work harder! When you’re in need of a basic clean, deep clean, move in clean, construction clean or window clean please consider Sentimental House Cleaning.