Sentimental Cleaning

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What makes a house cleaner a good house cleaner by Sentimental Cleaning

Here at Sentimental Cleaning we strive for excellent customer satisfaction. We are a rapidly growing house cleaning company specializing in residential and commercial cleanings. We offer basic cleans, deep cleans, move in cleans, construction clean ups, air BNBs and more. So how important is experience when it comes to cleaning? The short answer is very important. With experience comes knowledge, where knowledge is then converted into action resulting in optimal outcomes. A good house cleaner is one with experience but not just that also equally as important is the attitude. Are you coachable? Do you have the determination? Are you willing to learn? As the economy goes round so does our need for constant education. Things are always evolving and we need to adapt or be left behind. Willingness to learn is important when it comes to house cleaning with Sentimental Cleaning. A good house cleaner has soft values as well that apply such as friendliness, caring, benevolence. A good cleaner is subjective but to us at Sentimental Cleaning all the above is what we feel makes a good cleaner. When you’re in the market for a house cleaning please consider Sentimental Cleaning for your basic clean, deep clean, move in clean, construction clean, air BNBs, and commercial cleanings.