Sentimental Cleaning

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When a prospect is on the fence by Sentimental Cleaning

When you are looking for your next house cleaning please consider Sentimental Cleaning for your basic cleans, deep cleans, move in cleans, construction cleans, window cleans and more. When we spend time contacting prospective clients its important to be persistent but not pushy. Allow the client to come to you by nurturing the relationship. But don’t give up contacting them unless they specifically ask you to not contact them. You must time the follow ups appropriately so you’re not seen as bugging anyone. When you get someone that says maybe ill consider your service bells go off in my head. This excites me. This makes me ready to launch marketing. I get excited over every potential client because I value the business and don’t take it for granted. The key again is in the follow up. Know your customer, what they like and dislike and pursue them carefully. So when your next client is looking for a basic clean, deep clean, move in clean, construction clean, window cleaning or more please consider Sentimental Cleaning.