Sentimental Cleaning

BOOK NOW: 619 800 8895

When you forget your vacuum coming to a deep clean

When you are in need of a house cleaning please consider Sentimental Cleaning for your house cleaning needs. We offer basic cleans, deep cleans, move in cleans, window cleans, and construction clean ups. But what happens if you arrive on site and don’t have your tools? More often times that not a homeowner will prefer you to use their vacuum. We first need to notify client we will have to turn around and reschedule the client if not. We will need to go back to get our vacuum. You don’t want to be unprepared for a cleaning. A vacuum in the right situation can really help get the floors clean. All we really ask at Sentimental Cleaning is for the client to be informed throughout the process. We understand mistakes happen so we just ask a little bit of patience in advance while we work hard to provide you with the best cleaning services. If you again need a basic clean, deep clean, window clean, construction clean up or more please call us today 619 800 8895.